Confused by Euchre Terms? This Is Ultimate Euchre Glossary

Confused by Euchre Terms? This Is Ultimate Euchre Glossary

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Alex is the owner of Ask Alex Wood Worx, a high-end woodworking site that sells personalized charcuterie boards and other wood products. With 15 years of woodworking experience, Alex is a master of his craft. His attention to detail and passion for his work sets him apart from the competition.

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Playing Euchre for the first time can feel like stepping into a whole new world, complete with its own language. Phrases like "in the barn" or "where's the kitty?" might leave you scratching your head, feeling overwhelmed, and even tempted to throw in the towel.

But don't worry! This guide is here to demystify all those puzzling terms for you. You don't need to memorize them; just get to know them a bit. That way, you can focus on enjoying the game instead of feeling lost in translation.

beginner euchre terms

Essential Euchre Terms Beginners Must Know


In the game of Euchre, the term "trump" refers to the particular suit that is elevated in rank above all other suits for a specific hand. When naming trump, its cards become the most powerful in the game for that round, capable of "trumping" or beating cards from any non-trump suit.

This adds a strategic layer to Euchre, as players must carefully consider not only the cards in his or her hand but also the potential impact of trump on the game's outcome. Knowing how to effectively use and counter trumps is key to mastering Euchre. The highest trump card wins always.


In Euchre, the term "Bower" refers to the highest-ranking trump card for a given hand. The Jack of trump is known as the "Right Bower," and it's the most powerful card you can play. But wait, there's more!

The Jack from the suit that shares the same color as the trump card is called the "Left Bower," and it's the second most powerful card. So, if hearts are trump, the Jack of hearts is your Right Bower, and the Jack of diamonds becomes the Left Bower. Understanding the role of the Bowers can really up your Euchre game, giving you a strategic edge.

To read more about the left bower and right bower follow these links.



Ah, getting "Euchred" is something you'd rather avoid in a game of Euchre. It happens when you're feeling confident and you call the trump suit, but then—oops!—you fail to win at least three out of the five tricks in that hand. It's a bit like confidently stepping up to the plate in baseball and then striking out.

Not only is it a bit embarrassing, but it also means you and your partner miss out on scoring points, and your opponents get to chalk up two points instead. So, when you call trump, make sure you've got a strong hand or a solid strategy to back it up!

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In Euchre, a "trick" is a round where each player plays one card, totaling four cards. If you have the highest-ranking card in that set, you win the trick. Winning tricks is key to accumulating points and winning the game.


A "hand" refers to the set of cards each player receives from the dealer. You use these cards to play tricks and try to score points. Such a hand consists of five cards, and it's the foundation for your strategy in that round of the Euchre game.


Reneging is a big no-no. It happens when you don't follow the suit thrown even though you have a card of the required suit in your hand. Basically, it's like breaking the rules of the game, and it's usually caught quickly by attentive players.

If you're caught reneging, the penalty is typically severe, often resulting in points being awarded to the other team. So, it's crucial to pay attention and follow the thrown suit when you can to keep the Euchre game fair and square. Table talk is considered reneging so keep quiet during game play.

Click here to learn more about reneging.


When you pass in Euchre, you're essentially saying, "I don't want to pick the trump suit this time." Maybe your hand isn't strong enough, or you're hoping your partner or even an opponent will choose a suit that better matches your cards. Passing is a strategic move that can either pay off or backfire, depending on how the rest of the hand plays out. It's a way to avoid taking on too much risk when you're not confident in your hand.

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The dealer is the one responsible for shuffling and distributing the cards to all players. It's a role that rotates around the table, so everyone gets a turn. Being the dealer can offer a slight advantage or disadvantage, depending on the game situation and your skill level. For instance, the dealer gets to pick up the last card turned over if everyone else passes on setting the trump suit. Overall, it's a role that comes with both responsibilities and strategic implications.

Follow Suit

It means playing a card that matches the same suit of the lead card in a trick. It's a basic rule you have to stick to whenever possible. If the lead is a heart, you need to play a heart if you have one. If you don't have one you can throw a trump card or an off suit. Failing to do so when you can is called "reneging," and it's against the rules.

Following suit is more than just a requirement; it's also a Euchre strategy. Sometimes you'll want to follow suit with a high card to win the trick, and other times you might use a low card to save your stronger cards for later.


A "round" in Euchre refers to a complete cycle where each player has had the opportunity to deal the cards once. This ensures that everyone gets a turn at both dealing and responding to the dealer's actions, leveling the playing field. A round offers a balanced experience, giving each player the chance to strategize from different positions at the table. Once a round is complete, the deal rotates, and a new round begins, continuing the cycle.

beyond basic

Beyond The Basics


The "kitty" refers to the leftover cards that aren't dealt to players. These cards sit in the middle of the table and can come into play in certain variations of Euchre. For example, some people use the kitty to replace cards in their hand, adding another layer of strategy to the game. While not a part of traditional Euchre rules, incorporating the kitty can shake things up and make the game more interesting.


The "lead" is the initial card thrown down in a trick, setting the tone for that round. Whoever plays the lead essentially dictates the suit that other players need to follow, unless they decide to play a trump card. Leading with a strong card can be a strategic move to secure a trick, while a weaker lead might be used to draw out powerful cards from opponents. The choice of which card to lead with can greatly influence the outcome of a trick and requires a blend of Euchre strategy and intuition.

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Order Up

"Order Up" is what you say when you're willing to accept the suit of the turned-up card as the trump for that hand. By doing this, you're signaling confidence in your own cards or perhaps in your partner's ability to back you up.

It's a commitment, though, because now you're on the hook to try and win at least three tricks in that round. The strategy behind ordering up can vary—you might have a strong hand, or maybe you're just trying to throw your opponents off. Either way, it's a pivotal moment that sets the stage for the rest of the hand.

Going Alone

"Going Alone" is the Euchre equivalent of saying, "I've got this." You're so confident in your hand that you decide to play without your partner's help, aiming to win all the tricks yourself. It's a high-risk, high-reward move.

If you pull it off, you score four points, but if you fail to get at least three tricks you lose one point. It's a bold strategy that can either make you the hero of the game or leave you wishing you'd played it safe.

Going alone can be complicated. That's why I wrote an article to explain everything.


The "Makers" are the team or player who take the initiative to choose trump for a particular hand. By doing so, they're essentially setting the rules of engagement for that round, aiming to leverage their chosen suit to win more tricks. However, with this power comes responsibility; the Makers are expected to win the majority of tricks, or else they risk getting "Euchred" and losing points.


To "call" in Euchre means to select trump for that particular hand. When you call, you're setting the stage for how the rest of the hand will play out, as the trump cards will outrank all others. Calling also puts you in the spotlight; you're now expected to lead your team to win the majority of tricks, or else risk losing points.

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Off Suit

"Offsuit" refers to any suit that is not designated as the trump for a particular hand. These cards are weaker than trumps and are less likely to win tricks. An off trump ace can still be a valuable card, but it won't beat any trump.

Knowing how to effectively use your offsuit cards is crucial, as you'll often need to rely on them when you don't have any trumps in your hand. They can be used strategically to draw out trump cards from opponents or to set up future plays.


The "Upcard" is the card flipped face-up after the initial deal, serving as a suggestion for trump. Players can either "order up" this suit, making it the trump, or pass, leading to further rounds of decision-making about trump. The Upcard adds an element of chance and strategy to the game, as it can influence players decisions based on how well it aligns with the cards already in their hands.

advanced euchre terms

Advanced Euchre Terms


The "Defenders" are the team or player pitted against the Makers, with the goal of thwarting their plans to win the majority of tricks. They're trying to "Euchre" the Makers by preventing them from fulfilling their objective. Your aim is to outwit them, either by taking enough tricks yourself or by forcing them to fall short of their goal, thereby scoring points for your side.

Farmer's Hand

A "Farmer's Hand" is when you're dealt a hand made up entirely of 9s and 10s, which are the weakest cards in Euchre unless they happen to be in a trump. Having a Farmer's Hand usually means you're in for a tough round, as these cards are unlikely to win you any tricks against stronger cards. It's often a sign to play it safe, maybe passing on calling the trump, and hoping your partner has a stronger hand to carry the round.

If you want to know more about a farmer's hand click here.

Stick/Screw The Dealer

Stick or Screw the Dealer is a rule that puts the onus on the dealer to choose trump if no one else has. It prevents a round from going without picking trump, adding pressure on the dealer to make a decision because it eliminates throw in hands.

This rule can make the game more challenging for the dealer, especially if they're stuck with a weak hand. It adds an extra layer of strategy and unpredictability, as the dealer has to weigh the risk and reward of selecting a trump that may or may not favor their hand.

Follow this link to learn more about screw the dealer.

In The Barn

"In the Barn" is a Euchre term used when a team is just one point away from winning the game, typically sitting at 9 points in a game to 10. If you're in this position you'll automatically win the game by taking just one more trick.

Being "in the barn" means you're close to sealing the deal, but it also puts a target on your back, as the opposing team will be doing everything they can to prevent you from scoring that final, winning point.

Elevate Your Euchre Experience with Our Premium Boards

Euchre isn't just a game, it's a cherished tradition, a bonding experience, and for many, a passion. As you've journeyed with us through the intricacies of different Euchre terms, you've likely felt that familiar tug of excitement, the anticipation of the next game night, and the thrill of holding a winning hand.

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Feel free to reach out to me with any questions?

Remember, a game of Euchre is not just about the cards you hold but the memories you create. With our premium Euchre boards, you're set to create memorable moments filled with laughter, strategy, and the joy of a game well played.

the end


Wow, we've covered a lot of ground! Euchre is a game rich in terminology, and believe me, we've only scratched the surface. If I were to write about every single term and nuance, this blog post would easily stretch to 10,000 words. But don't worry, the terms we've discussed here are the essentials, the building blocks that will help you not only understand but also enjoy the game.

As you continue to play, you'll naturally pick up more Euchre terms and strategies. And here's the fun part: Euchre has a way of adapting to its environment. You'll find that different households or groups often have their own unique terms or rule variations. So, every game is an opportunity to learn something new.

So go ahead, shuffle up and deal. You're now armed with enough Euchre lingo to jump into a game without feeling lost. 

What are some Euchre terms that I missed? Let me know in the comments below.

"Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through those links at no additional cost to you."

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