Screw The Dealer Euchre: The Rule That Keeps Euchre Moving

Screw The Dealer Euchre: The Rule That Keeps Euchre Moving

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Alex is the owner of Ask Alex Wood Worx, a high-end woodworking site that sells personalized charcuterie boards and other wood products. With 15 years of woodworking experience, Alex is a master of his craft. His attention to detail and passion for his work sets him apart from the competition.

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What Is Screw The Dealer

Screw the Dealer or Stick the Dealer are essentially two names for the same rule variation in Euchre. I prefer screw the dealer because when it gets to the dealer in the second round you get to say "You're Screwed". 🤣😂 This rule comes into play when it's time to determine the trump suit for a hand.

Normally, each player gets a chance to pass or choose the trump suit. If everyone passes the first and second round of bidding, the dealer usually gets the final say. When you play the normal rules, the dealer can pass and everyone has to throw their cards in and the person to the left of the dealer is now the dealer. With the Screw the Dealer rule, passing is not an option for the dealer. If all other players pass, the dealer is obligated to choose a trump suit; they can't pass the buck.

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How Screw The Dealer Works

Imagine you're the dealer and a ten of Spades, one of the potential trump cards, is flipped over. The other players, one team after the other, decide not to make Spades the trump suit in the first round.  If it gets to the dealer in the second round then this rule kicks in.

Unlike in a regular game where you could also pass, Screw the Dealer Euchre forces you to make a choice. You have to pick up the face-up card and that same suit which is the same color as the flipped card, is now trump. This can be challenging when you're playing Euchre against a strong opposing team or when you have a farmer's hand with low-value cards in a non-trump suit.

Sometimes to get to ten points in Euchre it can take a long time depending on what rules are played. We've all had those games that just wouldn't end. This rule keeps the game from taking too long by ensuring that there's always a trump suit.

It also adds an extra layer of tactical thinking for the dealer, who has to quickly evaluate which suit offers the best chance of winning the hand.  It spices up the game, making each round a little more intense and a lot more interesting.

Related Article: Follow this link to learn how to keep score in Euchre.

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How Screw The Dealer Changes The Game

This rule in Euchre significantly changes the dynamics of the game by putting extra pressure on the dealer. The dealer decides the fate of the round because they are forced into it.

Five ways this rule impacts gameplay:

  1. Forces Action: In standard Euchre, players can pass on making trump, potentially leading to a new deal. This rule eliminates this possibility by forcing the dealer to pick a trump if everyone else passes. This speeds up game play.

  2. Strategic Complexity: Knowing that the dealer has to pick the up card if everyone else passes adds a layer of strategy. Players might pass good opportunities to force the dealer into a difficult position and it's kind of fun seeing the dealer get upset when he has to pick up that low trump.😁😜

  3. Risk for Dealer: The dealer can't play it safe. They have to make a choice, often with a terrible card sitting in front of them, which can lead to being "Euchred" and losing points.

  4. Balances Power: The dealer has the advantage of getting a guaranteed trump card. This rule balances that out by adding a potential downside to being the dealer.

  5. Psychological Element: The rule can create tension and excitement, as the dealer knows they have to "put up or shut up," adding a psychological layer to the game.

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The Benefits and Drawbacks Of This Rule

Aspect Benefits Drawbacks
Game Speed ✅ Speeds up the game by forcing a trump selection. ✅  None.
Strategy ✅ Adds a layer of complexity for all players. ❌ Can make the game more complicated for beginners.
Dealers Role ✅ Balances the dealer's power by adding risk. ❌ Puts the dealer at a disadvantage, especially if the have a weak hand.
Player Dynamics

✅ Encourages more interaction and bluffing.

❌ Can lead to frustration if the dealer is consistently forced into bad positions.
Excitement ✅ Ads Tension and excitement to the game. ❌ The added pressure might not be enjoyable for all players

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Different Strategies You Need To Know

For the Dealer

When you're the dealer under the Screw the Dealer rule, quick hand assessment becomes crucial. You need to identify a potential trump suit and gauge the strength of your hand within seconds before play begins, especially in a Euchre tournament. This is important if the dealer's team wants to win the round. Always remember that the highest trump card wins always.

  • Hand Assessment: Know your strong suits and potential trumps. If you have the right bower or left bower.

  • Bluffing: Consider bluffing the opposing team if you have a weak hand but are forced to choose a trump.

  • Defensive Play: Play conservatively if you're forced to pick a less-than-ideal trump card.

For Other Players

As a non-dealer player, your Euchre strategy revolves around manipulating the dealer's choices. If your hand is a decent one but you are not certain you can get three tricks(which gets you one point), forcing the dealer to pick it up can lead to them getting Euchred and you get two points.

  • Forcing the Dealer: When all the players pass it puts the dealer in a tight spot.

  • Psychological Play: Use the dealer's temperament against them.

  • Reading the Dealer: Observe the dealer's behavior for clues about their hand, including any non-trump suits they might be favoring.


General Strategies

Regardless of your role, some strategies are universally useful in normal play and in an Euchre tournament. Paying attention to people's faces and the trump that was not picked in the first round can provide valuable insights into how strong people's hands are. This is particularly useful when the dealer is forced to choose a trump, as it can inform your own strategy for that hand.

  • Paying Attention: Keep an eye on people's expressions. You will see when his or her hand is bad. They usually give it away with their expressions or how they react when they look at their cards.

  • Adaptability: Be flexible and adapt your strategy as the game progresses.

Elevate Your Euchre Experience with Our Premium Boards

Euchre isn't just a game, it's a cherished tradition, a bonding experience, and for many, a passion. As you've journeyed with us through the intricacies of screw the dealer, you've likely felt that familiar tug of excitement, the anticipation of the next game night, and the thrill of holding a winning hand.

But what if you could elevate that experience even further?

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  • Magnetized: The boards are held together with four magnets so they will stay shut.

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Feel free to reach out to me with any questions?

Remember, a game of Euchre is not just about the cards you hold but the memories you create. With our premium Euchre boards, you're set to create memorable moments filled with laughter, strategy, and the joy of a game well played.

the end


The "Screw the Dealer" rule in Euchre is a game-changer, both literally and figuratively. It adds a new layer of complexity and excitement to an already engaging game. By forcing the dealer to make a choice when everyone else passes, the rule speeds up the game and eliminates the possibility of a stalemate. It also levels the playing field by adding an element of risk to the dealer's role, balancing out the inherent advantage they have in the standard rules.

For players, this rule opens up new avenues for strategic play. Whether you're the dealer trying to make the best of a bad situation, or an opponent trying to force the dealer into a tight spot, the "Screw the Dealer" rule ensures that every hand is a new challenge. It encourages players to be more observant, more adaptable, and more engaged with the game. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea due to the added pressure and complexity, for those who enjoy a more dynamic and intense game of Euchre, this rule is a welcome addition.

The winning team will likely take greater satisfaction in their victory, knowing they triumphed under more challenging rules.

So the next time you find yourself in a game of Euchre, consider implementing the "Screw the Dealer" rule. It might just make your game night a lot more interesting and memorable. And let's be honest, there's a certain joy in telling the dealer, "You're Screwed!" 🤣😂

How often do you use stick the dealer rule? Let me know in the comments below.

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