The 9 Best Crackers For Your Charcuterie Board

The 9 Best Crackers For Your Charcuterie Board

10 minute read

Did you know that the name "cracker" originally came from a term used to describe a braggart or someone who talks too much? The word likely derives from an old English verb, craken, which means "to brag." This is why cracker boxes often feature jovial characters boasting their product's superiority.

flatbread crackers

What to Look for in Quality Crackers for a Charcuterie Board

When selecting the best crackers for your charcuterie board, it's important to consider the flavor and texture of the product.

The flavor is especially important because you'll want something that complements the meats, soft cheeses, fruits, and nuts that accompany it. Look for crackers with savory or sweet flavors that won't overpower the other items on the plate.

The texture is also an important factor when selecting crackers for the best crackers for your charcuterie board. A good crack should be slightly crisp but not; it should also be sturdy to hold up to the weight of heavier toppings or condiments.

Additionally, look for varieties with interesting shapes and designs that will add visual appeal to your charcuterie board. You can even mix and match different types of crackers to create a unique charcuterie experience.

Finally, consider the size of the cracker – you'll want something small enough for easy snacking without falling apart too easily.

quality crackers

9 Different Types of Crackers That Are Perfect for a Charcuterie Board

    1. Water Crackers: These crispy, thin crackers are perfect for spreading cheese, dips, and other toppings.
    2. Toast Points: Perfectly sized slices of toast are a great vehicle for loading up with your favorite toppings and some cheddar cheese.
    3. Crackers: These light and crunchy crackers are perfect for scooping up creamy condiments like hummus or avocado mash.
    4.  Sesame Seed Crackers: A sprinkle of sesame seeds gives these crackers an extra bit of flavor that goes great with salty cheeses.
    5. Pita Chips: Pita chips are great for scooping up dips, spreads, and gourmet cheeses like goat cheese. Serve them with a drizzle of olive oil for an extra boost of flavor.
    6. Multigrain Crackers: A variety of grains gives multigrain crackers their crunchy texture and nutty flavor. Perfect for a cheese plate, or serve multigrain crackers with your favorite nut butter for an extra boost of protein.
    7. Herb Crackers: Savory herb crackers are packed with herbs like rosemary, thyme, and oregano for an extra kick of flavor. They are great for scooping up hummus or other dips, as well as topping off a salad or soup. Try crumbling herb crackers over your favorite dish for some homemade croutons. Serve with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar or a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese for added zest to your herb crackers.
    8. Buttery Crackers: Buttery crackers provide a rich, savory taste and are perfect for adding a layer of flavor to any cheese plate or spread. Buttery crackers also can be enjoyed with a pat of butter or a topping of your favorite jam with some brie cheese.
    9. Wheat Crackers: These nutty and wholesome whole wheat crackers are a great option for adding fiber to your snack time and they're made from healthy wheat flour. They're hearty enough to stand up to most toppings, like tuna salad or egg salad, while still providing a light, crunchy texture. Enjoy them topped with soft cheese or spread with hummus for even more flavor.

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7 Benefits of Using Homemade Crackers on a Charcuterie Board

  1. Health: Homemade crackers provide a healthier alternative to store-bought crackers that can be filled with preservatives and saturated fat.
  2. Taste: Making your crackers gives you the ability to customize flavor combinations, making for a unique charcuterie board every time!
  3. Variety: With homemade crackers, the flavor possibilities are endless. Try experimenting with different herbs and spices to create something that fits your taste buds perfectly.
  4. Control: You have control over how much salt and sugar you put into the crackers, so you can make sure they fit within any dietary restrictions or lifestyle choices.
  5. Cost Savings: Making your crackers can be much more budget-friendly than buying pre-made ones. You can even save money by using ingredients you already have at home, like flour and butter.
  6. Fun: Cracker-making is a fun activity that the whole family can participate in together! It’s also a great way to introduce children to cracker-making basics and let them unleash their creativity in the kitchen.
  7. Versatility: With homemade artisan crackers, you can make whatever shapes you’d like! You can create everything from sweet to savory crackers, or customize them with different herbs and spices.

"You can't have a party without crackers - it justjamie oliver wouldn't be the same!" - Jamie Oliver, celebrity chef.

Elevate Your Charcuterie Board with Exceptional Cheese and Meat

If you're looking to create the perfect cheese board, look no further than Pierre Cheese Market.

With award-winning premium farm-fresh European and American cheeses, Pierre Cheese Market is dedicated to discovering extraordinary, high-quality dairy and meat products.

Their selection includes Roth, Rogue Creamery, Ile de France, Belton Farms, and more.

The Pierre Robert cheese is an extremely rich and buttery triple cream cheese that adds a luxurious touch to any board. For those who prefer something a bit sweeter, the Pouligny St Pierre AOP is an unpasteurized cheese with a balanced flavor and slight sweetness.

With 1000 years of experience in the cheese industry, you can trust that Pierre Cheese Market will provide you with the highest quality product. Visit their website today and explore their wide selection of cheeses for your next party.


sesame crackers

Sesame Seed Cracker Recipe


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds, plus more for sprinkling on top
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3/4 cup water + more as needed


  1. Preheat oven to 375°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, and sesame seeds until combined.
  3. Add in the olive oil and water, stirring until a sticky dough forms. If needed add more water 1 tablespoon at a time until the dough forms.
  4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 1-2 minutes, until it is slightly elastic.
  5. Divide the dough into two equal pieces and roll each piece out as thin as you can get it without it tearing (about 1/8").
  6. Transfer the rolled dough to the prepared baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until it begins to turn golden brown.
  7. Allow the crackers to cool completely before breaking them into pieces and serving.

How to Arrange and Display Crackers on a Charcuterie Board

Different types of crackers can be arranged in a variety of ways to create an attractive, tasty charcuterie board. Start by arranging larger items like meats, creamy cheeses, and fruits around the edges of the board or platter. Place smaller items such as olives, nuts, and multigrain crackers in the center.

Experiment with different flavors and textures to create an interesting and delicious contrast.

Remember that crackers are a great way to bring various flavors to your charcuterie board. Choose different types, sizes, shapes, and textures of crackers to add interest and contrast. For example, arrange flat crispbreads alongside artisan crackers for texture or place round wheat crackers nearby for a pop of flavor.

For the meats, choose several different types such as salami, prosciutto, and other cured options. Select either thin or thick slices depending on the type of meat and the overall look you want to achieve.

Try to combine flavors like adding spicy chorizo with milder options.

Soft Cheese such as brie cheese are essential to creating a great charcuterie board. Choose a variety of different textures and flavors such as soft Brie, creamy goat cheese, sharp cheddar, and crumbly blue cheese.

Again, try to mix up the flavors by including a sweet honeycomb or candied walnuts for contrast.

Wine and Charcuterie: An Indispensable Combination

When it comes to charcuterie boards, wine is often overlooked as an essential component. However, the right pairing of wines with cured meats and crackers can elevate the entire experience for the consumer.

The sensory experience of sipping wine with cured meats and crackers is truly remarkable. The combination of sweet, salty, savory, and acidic flavors creates a unique flavor profile that can only be achieved when these elements are combined in harmony.

The tannins in the wine help to cut through the fat from the meat while providing a smooth finish on your palate. The acidity in the wine helps to balance out the saltiness from the cured meats while enhancing their flavor profiles.

Meanwhile, the sweetness of certain wines helps to bring out subtle notes in harder cheeses like Parmesan or Manchego.


Order Your Personalized Charcuterie Board Today

Are you looking for a unique and memorable way to elevate your next gathering? Look no further than Ask Alex Wood Worx!

Our custom boards are made from top-notch materials, ensuring their durability and top-quality construction. Each board is carefully crafted to match your personal preferences, making it a one-of-a-kind addition to any occasion.

Not only does it add a touch of elegance, but it's also a practical addition to your kitchen and home. Don't wait - place an order with Ask Alex Wood Worx today and experience the difference for yourself!



best cracker arrangement


Crackers are a great way to add crunch and texture to your charcuterie board. Choose from a variety of different types such as multigrain, seeded, or whole grain for added nutrition.

Use them as the perfect palate cleanser between bites of cheese and meat, or even just as an accompaniment to any other items you may have on the charcuterie board.

With a few simple ingredients, you can create the perfect charcuterie board that will impress your guests and make for an enjoyable experience.

So go ahead and experiment with different types of crackers to add some variety to your next cheese plate!

What types of crackers do you like with your charcuterie board? Let me know in the comments below.

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Alex Roig is the owner of Ask Alex Wood Worx, a high-end woodworking site that sells personalized charcuterie boards and other wood products. With 15 years of woodworking experience, Alex is a master of his craft. His attention to detail and passion for his work sets him apart from the competition.

When he's not in the workshop, you can find him spending time with his beautiful wife and daughters or working out and gardening (he has a gardening YouTube channel called Fathers Love Fathers Heal). But his true passion is making unique, one-of-a-kind charcuterie boards that are perfect for any occasion.

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